Google Educator Certification Opportunity
Join Cassie and Matt in becoming Google Educators! This certification includes completing 6 modules (4 required and 2 elective) that explore Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Sites, Chrome, and Chromebooks. Click here for additional details. After each module you need to take an exam to demonstrate your understanding. The exams are $15.00 each. Upon passing all 6 exams you will be reimbursed $90.00 for the cost of the exams by the technology department.
Cassie and Matt will be completing a module every two weeks. The module's materials will be sent out via tech tips. Cassie and Matt will be available from 4:00pm - 5:30pm at South Campus on Mondays according to the following schedule to help with the current module. You are not required to attend these help sessions and you can move through the modules at your own pace!
If you are interested please sign up here as this opportunity is currently limited to 25 staff members!
- Beginning Tuesday, November 18th - Learn the Basics Module* + Exam
- Help on Monday, November 24th or Monday, December 1st
- *The basics module and exam are not part of the certification described above, but are helpful to complete prior. The basics exam is free.
- Beginning Tuesday, December 2nd - Gmail Module + Exam
- Help on Monday, December 15th
- Beginning Tuesday, December 16th - Calendar Module + Exam
- Help on Monday, January 5th
- Beginning Tuesday, January 6th - Drive Module + Exam
- Help on Monday, January 12th
- Beginning Tuesday, January 20th - Sites Module + Exam
- Help on Monday, January 26th or Monday, February 2nd
- Beginning Tuesday, February 3rd - Elective Module I* + Exam
- Help on Monday, February 9th
- *Cassie and Matt will likely do Chrome as the elective module.
- Beginning Tuesday February 17th - Elective Module II* + Exam
- Help on Monday, February 23rd
- *Cassie and Matt will likely do Chromebooks as the elective module.
KidPicker Application
kidPicker is a tool that equitably randomizes the student selection process, allowing a teacher to maximize the spread of students selected on the same day. It also tracks simple teacher scorings (1,2,3) in a Google Spreadsheet.
Check out these instructions to get started!