Skyward has some great options that have recently been updated. Here is
a video on personalizing your skyward gradebook. You will notice that Skyward has many other helpful tutorial videos on
this page.
Student Indicators help us understand the needs of our students. Wish you could remember what each letter or color indicator is?
This document explains the student indicators in Skyward. You may want to add this to your drive or google keep for further reference.
One of the most important changes for classroom teachers is that you will be able to see a list of your gifted/talented students along with other important student information.
Last week Cassie’s tech tip was about best practices for sharing lesson plans with a reserve teacher. Many teachers are currently using an online plan book, such as Please make sure you share the link either by email or within Aesop (Frontline). If you are using a reserve teacher folder the following video is for you!
is a tutorial that shows you how to add your plans to the reserve folder.
Here is
a tutorial that shows a reserve teacher how to access the reserve folder. Feel free to leave this link on Aesop (Frontline).
Important information about what you leave in your reserve folder and what to not leave in your reserve folder.
Do leave:
Daily Schedule
Class Roster
Today’s Plans
Important links
Do not leave:
Student IEP, 504 information- This is available to reserve teachers for the day on Skyward
Student PIN numbers
Student Passwords
Your password (Don't leave your username and password for a Reserve Teacher! They have their own sign in information.)
If you have included any of the above please delete from your reserve teacher folder immediately. This is also a great opportunity to check your reserve folder.
If you have any questions please ask your DLS.