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Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Google Classroom Tips + Featured Chrome Extensions

Google Classroom Tips

Try these tips to increase your efficiency and effectiveness while using Google Classroom

Reuse post- To add a previously used assignment, announcement, or question to your current classroom stream, click on the plus icon located in the bottom right hand corner and select reuse post. Select a class that the previous post was originally used and select the previous post. 

Star your original templates - When “Making a copy for each student” in Google Classroom, a copy of the document is made for each student. Since Google Classroom documents save to your Google Drive now your search results returns the student documents. A secondary level teacher might have 150-200 versions of students copies. This creates a problem when you search Google Drive. Try starring your original Google Doc templates by clicking the star icon next to the title or pressing S when the Google Doc is highlighted in your Google Drive. Then when searching Google Drive for templates include is:starred in the search box or click on the starred folder to find your original templates, and not student work.

Number your posts - Number your assignments and templates by using the pound symbol and 3 digit numbers. ie: #001, #002, etc.. This makes it easier for both teachers and students to locate assignments in the Google Classroom stream. To quickly find assignment 5, students can use the shortcut Control-F and type in, #005. Since the numbering is unique, students can locate that assignment quickly.

Use topics - When creating an assignment, teachers have the option to organize their stream by adding a topic. This option is located next to the due date when creating a new post. You can type a new topic or select from a previously used topic. To retroactively add a topic, click on the 3 dots in the top right corner of your post. Unfortunately, each post is limited to one topic. Streams could be organized by units, standards, or the 4 Cs. Students can then filter their stream by topic, allowing them to more easily locate assignments or narrow their workflow.

Featured Chrome Extension: Tab Scissors and Tab Glue 
Use these two Google Chrome extensions together to organize multiple tabs. 
Tab Scissors divides one window into two at the selected tab. If you have at least two tabs in the selected Chrome window, it will split that window into two smaller side-by-side windows. All the tabs on the left of the selected tab will stay in the left window, and the rest will move to the window on the right. 

Tab Glue is a simple organization tool puts all of your Chrome tabs together into one window with a single click. The new window has your tabs arranged in the same order your windows were, and makes the selected tab in your current window be the new selected tab, so you won't lose track of where your tabs were or what you were doing. It has an option to include minimized windows. 

Users can perform a glue or cut using a shortcut. The default shortcuts are Alt+S to cut, Alt+G to glue, and Alt+A to glue all (including minimized windows).

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