It’s the final tech tip of the year. Can you believe it’s over already? We’ve been through so much together. Like that one time we <cherished memory> together. And who could forget when <humorous colleague> made us all laugh by <shenanigans> at <boring meeting>? Look at us, crying like a couple of kids on the last day of camp.
This tender moment brought to you by the White Bear Lake Area Schools Technology Department. |
Now that we’ve reminisced, it’s time to look forward. The summer is an opportunity to relax, connect with loved ones, and learn new skills! Here are a few things to try to return to school ready to wow your students and make your classroom more engaging.
1. Get to Know a New Professional Development Website for Teachers
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning compiled a list of 13 online resources to help you hone your skills. Some are free and some are paid. Find one that speaks to you and try your hand at some online learning!2. Communicate with Your Technology Department
I really mean this, <person reading all of my pointless captions>. |
Are you eager to try something new next year? Are you unsure if you’ll have the classroom setup you’ll need? Want to brainstorm some new tools to use? Ben Parker, Director of Technology for the Oklahoma Public School Resource Center, shares some tips for communicating with your technology department ahead of next year. A little communication now can save a lot of time later!
3. Deepen Your Relationship with Your Students by Showcasing Your Summer Fun
Vicki Davis at Edutopia shared a list of 12 Summer Tips for Top Teachers which are all wonderful. My favorite is number three: record and prepare your digital persona. Are you going on a family trip? Record a video for next year’s students introducing yourself and what you like to do! It’s a great way to jump-start the connection between you and your class.4. Attend Summer Innovation Camp
Like this family, it’s gonna be in tents. Just... not literally. I'm sure you can figure that out. |
The DLS team is so excited to bring you another great year of Summer Tech Innovation Camp! We have prepared some sessions for all staff members. You’ll find sessions on Genius Hour, improving efficiency, teaching in a makerspace, and boosting student agency. It’s from 8-12 on August 23rd and everyone who attends will be entered into a drawing for a free Google Home. Register today!
5. Share Great Ideas with One Another
Your DLS team is so honored to serve and support you in your work and we have some parting wisdom to share before everyone heads home for the summer.Ryan Clark: “No, seriously! Attend Summer Innovation Camp! And check out this tweet from Jennifer Gonzalez on eight paths of self-improvement for teachers.”
Cassie Knutson: Her silence speaks greater wisdom than words could ever convey.
Nick Marty: “Check Twitter from time to time.”
LuAnne Oklobzija: “Join a Google+ Community on education.”
Troy Strand: “Try doing an Hour of Code activity a week.”
Shannon Treichel: “Take some time to organize your Google Drive.”
Happy summer, everyone! See you in the fall.
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